Michael Wilson

The Lion Strategy Group

Mike Wilson
Mike Wilson
Co-Founder, The Lion Strategy Group

Recent Activity Bio
Mike Wilson quickly rose through the ranks of the Keller Police Department, recently retiring as Chief of Police after 20 years of service with the agency. During that time, his measurable accomplishments and penchant for cross-organizational teamwork covered the spectrum of functions: enterprise software; financial processes; design, development, and construction of government facilities; threat identification and mitigation; campus security; governmental mergers and inter-local negotiations; and public information. During his tenure in Keller, Mike’s management and enterprise led to unprecedented progress, collaboration, and innovation. He was recognized as a trailblazer in building community partnerships, from implementation of community-based strategies to enhance quality of life, to advancing the department’s relationships with public and private partners. His tenure saw the national re-accreditation of KPD at the highest standard, a full department restructure, body camera implementation, and the first national accreditation awarded to a regional 911 communications center in the State of Texas. The city was continuously
ranked one of the safest communities in Texas and the nation. Mike’s business acumen served the area well. Collaborations with non-profits, surrounding cities, and the school district led to the generation of more than $3.5 million in revenue, minimizing the financial impact on taxpayers; those efforts continue to save the collective more than $1.2 million annually. Mike Wilson holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business administration, with a concentration in finance, which he earned during his career in law enforcement. He has also done extensive graduate-level study in communications and organizational leadership.

 Created the Keller Police Department Police Chief Wisdom Council – Council consisted of members of clergy, community representatives representing their respective cultural, racial, religious communities, and members representing young adults in the city.
 Partnered with The Well Church in launching the Specs Movement. “The purpose of the Specs Movement is to create healthy engagement around race in order to deconstruct perspectives that produce racism”. The hope is that these healthy engagements’ will in turn produce anti-racist transformation while promoting unity in the community.
 Founded a youth sports program for at-risk youth that promoted leadership and life skill development with children ages 8 to 14 years of age.

My dream for the Beloved Community and Communities is to overcome the greatest challenge facing us and that is one
of living harmoniously in a world that has always focused on what sets us apart rather than what brings us together.

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